Caroll Lynn luistert elke dag naar Kinderen voor Kinderen... Wait! What?

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Wait! What?

Naam: Caroll Lynn

Beroep: Illustrator

Instagram: @careaux

TikTok: @careaux

Naast het bieden van droombanen, proberen we jullie ook zoveel mogelijk te inspireren. Mooie, positieve verhalen kunnen immers ook bijdragen aan je motivatie, en hopelijk op z’n minst een glimlach op je gezicht toveren wat zorgt voor een upgrade van je dag. Least we can do! Om die reden hebben we verschillende mensen uit de creatieve industrie 10 vragen gesteld voor onze nieuwste rubriek "Wait! What?". Zoals gezegd geloven we dat iedereen elkaar kan inspireren met zijn of haar verhaal!

Vandaag spraken wij met Caroll Lynn: Maak kennis met Caroll Lynn, het gezicht achter Careaux! Ze is een creatieve illustrator, moeder van twee kids en een mega sneakerfan. Met maar liefst 45k volgers op Instagram geeft ze ons dagelijks een kijkje in haar leven. Haar wereld is een explosie van kleur, enthousiasme en creativiteit, en dat heeft ons geïnspireerd om haar dé 10 vragen te stellen.

What's your morning routine?

Different every morning, it really depends on when my daughter wakes up. But, it always starts with a cup of tea, some homemade banana pancakes and a lot of Peppa Pig..

What do you do to get inspired?

Visiting new places, get out of my comfortzone.

What are the three things you can’t live without?

Love, Food, My bed.

What's one thing people don't know about you?

I think most people know everything about me as i share a lot of my personal life but i think most of them dont know that I've got a brother.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

Never share your ideas with others.

What’s heavily played on your music playlist right now?

Unfortunately its Kinderen voor Kinderen haha..

What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but you’ve been too scared to do?

I'm not scared of anything in real life. I just do it if i have an idea. So far i've done everything i've ever wanted to do.

What’s the one thing you wish you knew at age 19?

Oehw, a hard one - let me think... Yeah I wish I was taught more about finance. I've never learned anything about it around that age. My parents have always had financial issues while working full time, so for me it was "normal" to see them struggle and not getting anything for free ór being able to ask them for money for things.. this is definitely something I had to learn on my own, as soon as i moved out.

What are you most excited about at this time in your life?

Becoming a mom for the second time.

Last but not least: forever alone on holiday or forever on a group trip with 60 people?

This is serious? Hahaha I choose one hundred percent for alone on vacation! That's just ME-time and time for inspiration, so rather on my own out of my comfort zone, than having to take into account 60 people yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hahahaha.